Wake up remembering
your dreams

Memo is an app that makes it easier for you to remember thoughts or dreams that comes to you during sleep or in bed, it doesn't have to be related to work, this is more perhaps for your dreams, dreams that could be tricky to catch and when you wake up in the middle of the night you remember them and that's why memo exist – for you to remember, so record what you dreamt or that thought that popped up and if it happens more times during the night, just record again. Memo is also an alarm, so when it wakes you up in the morning you can either snooze, record new memory or press stop and by pressing stop, it will automatically start playing your recorded memories from the night.  
Hard to remember thoughts and dreams that you have had during the night.
An alarm clock app that has build-in voice recording to make it easier for you to remember your thought and dreams.
An alarm clock app that utilises the phones build in API, using the local sound recording function to store your thoughts or dreams.

some prototyping using principle

P R O J E C T   I N   P R O G R E S S . . .   S T A Y   T U N E D !
This project is a still under progress, If you find this interesting and like to
help out with funding or development, mail me.

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